Assignment 1

Assignment 1

You suspect that your "friend" Jimothy is cheating at dice. They seem to be rolling a lot of 6s! You grab their die, and collect a quick sample of die rolls. You use this sample to try to figure out if they are rolling a loaded die.

In the "Assignment 1" drop box in UM Learn, submit three files: (i) Your answers to question 3 and 4; (ii) your R code; (iii) the "results.csv" data from question 1. Due Sept. 24.

1. Roll the die, and collect a sample. Download your sample by clicking the "Export" button. Submit your "results.csv" file in the UM Learn dropbox along with your assignment.
2. Load the data into R using: mydata <- read.csv(file.choose()).
3. Estimate the mean die roll using the sample mean.
4. If the die is "fair", it has an expected (mean) roll of 3.5. Test the hypothesis that Jimothy's die has a mean of 3.5 using the R code: t.test(mydata$Result, mu = 3.5). Do you think Jimothy is cheating? Interpret the p-value from your hypothesis test.

Roll # Result
Total Rolls: 0